I’m delighted to have been invited to give a course on the beautiful island of Lefkas on medieval astrology for the second year running, hosted by my friend Joanna who has been teaching astrology for 30 years, and has been running regular summer schools. An overview is below, and you can get further details on Joanna’s website or feel free to drop me an email for further details! We are now taking bookings, and there are a few place still left.

All courses run for a week and coincide with flights that arrive on Wednesday. This gives four days of study on Thursday, Friday, Sunday, and Monday, with two free days for boat trips, beach time and so on – or just relaxing!

This course will tie in with flights arriving on Wednesday 11 September 2024. We’ll have the chance to socialise on the Wednesday evening before the first day of teaching on Thursday, and a second day on Friday. Saturday is a free day to explore, and the final two days of teaching are on Sunday and Monday. Tuesday is another free day to explore and socialise, before you head home on Wednesday 18 September 2024.
This medieval astrology course is suitable for beginners and experienced astrologers alike, and will demonstrate some of the richness of medieval astrology that you can put to use in your own charts. Here’s an outline of what we’ll be exploring – there are plenty of hands-on practical sessions in an informal and friendly setting:
Stories of the Sky: where does our astrology come from?
The Sky is our Canvas: find your way round the night sky, and why the zodiac is so important.
The Medieval Theatre: meet the cast – the planets.
Who’s in charge around here? Finding your strongest planet. Essential dignities, and a practical session.
Friends and enemies: medieval friendship, aspects, and orbs.
How did I end up in this situation? Accidental dignity, and a practical session.
Working together: reception and a practical.
Welcome to my humble abode: medieval houses.
Give us today our daily bread – Arabic Parts. Find your Part of Fortune.
What’s round the corner? Medieval prediction: profections and solar returns and practicals.
Mapping out your life: Firdaria, and a scary-sounding technique.
Putting it all together: How to do a medieval chart delineation for yourself and others.

As well as the sessions on the four study days, I’ll be making a detailed handout available for you to download when you get home, and we’ll have plenty of chances to socialise over a glass or two – and I’ll show you how to do a bit of “quick and dirty” medieval fortune telling!