About me
I’m Chris Mitchell, a professional astrologer living in Leicester in the UK. I specialise in traditional astrology, and have a PhD from the University of Leicester on the topic of medieval astrology. Almuten Figuris is my publishing imprint where you can buy my book.
I’m a tutor on the MA Cultural Astronomy and Astrology course at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, and have a diploma in Medieval Astrology from Astrologos. I’ve been actively involved in promoting and teaching astrology since 2000, am on the boards of both the Astrological Association and the Association of Professional Astrologers International, and have given talks to numerous local groups and conferences in Europe and the US.
Contact: chris@almuten.co.uk

Almuten Figuris Publications is my publishing imprint. See the books page for further details of my book, England’s First Astrology Book, a translation of a work by twelfth-century scholar Roger of Hereford.

I give a number of talks at conferences, and to local astrology groups. Check out my talks page for my current schedule.
There are a number of fairly random articles and observations that I’ve written. Check out my articles page!